
See what's new in PhotoDay

Download All

March 18, 2025

Download All (Beta)

Why choose one when you can sell them all?
Save time, boost profits, and exceed customer expectations—effortlessly.

PhotoDay’s newest Beta feature release is the “Download All My Photos” product, or Download All for short.

With just a couple of clicks, your customers can find, purchase, and download all of their photos for one simple price—saving you time and boosting profits while exceeding customer expectations.

We're excited to launch this highly requested feature in time for a busy spring season!

Yearbook Selection

July 9, 2024

PhotoDay’s new Yearbook Selection feature simplifies the photo selection workflow for photographers, organizations, and customers alike.

Have you ever wished your customers could pick their yearbook photos without leaving the gallery? With Yearbook Selection, you can easily set up, communicate, review, and export customer selections all within PhotoDay.

Here’s the rundown:

  1. Enable Yearbook Selection for a private gallery job.
  2. PhotoDay guides customers through the simple selection process in their gallery.
  3. Automated email and text reminders are sent until your chosen deadline.
  4. Review, edit, and export the selections right from your PhotoDay Studio Panel.

Gallery Lookup

May 23, 2024

Improving the Private Gallery experience for your customers without sacrificing security

Gallery Lookup is a new Beta feature that allows customers to find their subject’s photos within a private gallery without needing an access code. 

We know ensuring every subject receives their unique access code can be difficult. Sometimes, an organization provides names and student IDs but not parent email addresses. A student may lose their printed flyer on the way home. Whether it's an entire subject list or just a few outliers, the scenarios are endless. We created Gallery Lookup to solve these obstacles without sacrificing privacy.

Simply put, you can now create, market, and publish private gallery jobs much more easily. All your customers need is a link to the Organization Page or the Job URL.

Let’s look at a few real-life examples:

Use Case: Reduce customer service emails

Laura dreams of reaching inbox zero, but the “I can’t find my access code!” emails keep streaming in. We’ve all been there. Now, thanks to Gallery Lookup, Laura was able to share the Job URL with the organization so that customers can find their gallery without an access code. She also linked all of her job URLs on her studio website and can direct all customers here to locate their own gallery rather than tracking down individual codes.

Use Case: Missing email addresses

Garrett is a busy volume photographer who wants to try PhotoDay’s private galleries for an extra level of security. But what happens if the school or league doesn’t want to provide email addresses? Now he can provide them with a single Organization Page link to distribute to everyone. This link can remain the same year after year, and jobs can be added to and removed from the Organization Page as needed. With Gallery Lookup, Garrett can rest easy that every parent can find their child’s gallery—even if they never received a unique access code beforehand.

Gallery Visibility

May 23, 2024

Enhanced control over which galleries appear on an Organization Page

When we released Organization Pages last month (check it out here), only public and group galleries could be added. Thanks to our new Gallery Lookup feature, you can now display private galleries on your Organization Pages.

In addition, you can control which galleries will automatically display on the Organization Page based on their gallery status. Saving you time and effort—in true PhotoDay fashion.

We’re thrilled about the increased flexibility and control this expansion of Organization Pages will provide you!

Organization Pages

April 16, 2024

5/21/24 Update: Private Galleries can now be added to Organization Pages. We also added new, expanded gallery visibility options. Learn more.

Introducing Organization Pages

Organization Pages allow you to set up and share a single link to all your galleries related to an organization. You’ll never have to worry about tracking down multiple access codes for your organizations again.

As a refresher, an organization in PhotoDay = the party for which you’re taking photos (e.g., league, school, individual client, etc.). 

For now, Organization Pages can be used with Public and Group Galleries. However, stay tuned for Private Galleries developments coming soon—we didn't forget them!

For a complete history of past updates, visit our Version Updates page.

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