PhotoDay Version Updates

Version 3.69

Feature Enhancements

  • We improved the process of identifying matching issues for private jobs with 2 new match corrections! The previously named "Unmatched" filter option is now titled "Matching Issues." Here you can filter the following matching issues: Overmatched, Undermatched, or Unmatched.

    Photos are considered “overmatched” when there are more subjects matched than recognized faces in the image, “undermatched” when there are fewer subjects matched than recognized faces in the image, and “unmatched” when it has not been matched to any subject/gallery.

    Previously, PhotoDay did not identify overmatched images, while the "Unmatched" filter accounted for both undermatched and unmatched photos. We're excited to expand the identifying, filtering, and resolving process for our users! Learn more.
  • PhotoDay Users who qualify as high-volume sellers are annually required to certify that their business and contact information is updated and correct (in accordance with the INFORM Consumers Act (ICA). One year after your initial business verification, PhotoDay will send you a series of emails and a banner in the Studio Panel notifying and reminding you of the certification requirement. Learn more.
  • We added helpful clarification when a CSV upload is rejected due to unmappable characters or headers.
  • If you mark your studio address as residential during business verification, you now have the option to enter a secondary address to be used on return labels on customer orders.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.68

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • CSV downloads of Orders Reports now include the order times in the timezone of the job. 
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.67

Feature Enhancements

  • New option to secure Group Galleries on Organization Pages.
    We added a new setting that gives you control over how customers can view group galleries when accessed from an Organization Page.

    The default setting is “Access Code Not Required,” which allows customers to directly enter a group gallery from the Organization Page. If you select “Access Code Required,” customers must enter the group gallery’s access code to view the gallery.
  • Request partial reprints of customer orders.
    When requesting a reprint, you can now choose to request a partial reprint of select items in an order. Just go to Orders > select an Order > Request Reprint > Select “Full” or “Partial.” When "Partial" is selected, a window will open where you can select which items from the order need to be reprinted, along with the reason and any additional notes.
  • Improvements to reprint order invoices.Order invoices in the Studio Panel will now automatically update with an additional section for the reprint information, including the tracking URL and updated shipping address. Previously, this reprint information replaced the original details.
  • Order timestamps will now use the job’s timezone. 
    In the Studio Panel, the order table and order invoices will now use and display the timezone and timezone code of the job an order was placed from instead of your studio’s timezone. Job timezones are selected when creating a job and can be edited in Job > Settings > Job Details.
  • New Insights section for Yearbook Selection.
    We added a new Insights section for jobs with Yearbook Selection enabled. From Job > Insights, you can view the deadline and how many customers have Selected, Ordered & Not Selected, and Selected & Not Ordered.
  • Automatic Email Campaigns now send to all customers who visit any gallery.
    Customer account email addresses will now receive Automatic Email Campaigns. This includes customers who access or subscribe to any gallery, as well as studio-uploaded email addresses included in private job subject data.

    This does not include email addresses that are manually uploaded to Group/Public Marketing Flyers.

    This update is effective for all gallery types (Private, Public, and Group). In the event that a customer's account email is already included in a Private job’s subject data, duplicate emails will not be sent.
  • Send manual marketing flyers to customer account emails.
    When sharing a manual marketing flyer, you now have the option to send it directly to customers by selecting the new “Send to Customer Account Emails” option. This update is effective for all gallery types (Private, Public, and Group).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the unmatched screen wasn’t updating after dragging and dropping unmatched images to subjects.
  • Fixed an issue where an active offer was displaying as expired.
  • Fixed an issue where the bottom row was being cut off if more than 1 row of images was assigned to a subject in a private job > Subjects Detail.
  • Fixed an issue with manual marketing flyers where choosing “[data element] empty” was clearing other filter choices.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.66

Feature Enhancements

  • You can now enable Yearbook Selection for a published job. Previously, Yearbook Selection could only be turned on when a job was in Draft status. 
  • We added 7 new products for Richmond Pro Lab. Open your Richmond price sheet(s) to view and add them.
    • 24x36 Vinyl Grommet Banner
    • 24x48 Vinyl Grommet Banner
    • 24x60 Vinyl Grommet Banner
    • 24x72 Vinyl Grommet Banner
    • 36x48 Vinyl Grommet Banner
    • 36x72 Vinyl Grommet Banner
    • 36x60 Vinyl Grommet Banner

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.65.1

Feature Enhancements

  • When submitting a Custom Promo request, we will confirm that the attached offer does not expire before the SMS send dates.
  • When deleting subject data in a private gallery job, we updated the confirmation modal to include the number of subjects selected for deletion. We also added a warning and suggestion to update the subject data instead of deleting it.
  • We tweaked the copy and asterisks for Miller’s Bulk or Drop price sheets to help differentiate between the messages for Economy and Bulk Shipping.
  • To prevent any customer service or shipping issues, studios can no longer delete a price sheet attached to a job with an active bulk shipment.
  • In the Reports > Products section of the Studio Panel, your digital download bundles now display the quantity included in them.
  • We’ve made a helpful improvement to the way we track business verification attempts when the process is not completed in a single session.
  • We made UI improvements when navigating subjects in the photo section of a private gallery job:
    • Images will no longer appear incorrectly uploaded into a selected subject’s gallery.
    • When you click a subject name, it will now remain in place rather than move to the top of the list. 

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.65

Feature Enhancements

  • Yearbook Selection is a new school photography tool that simplifies the photo selection workflow for photographers, organizations, and customers alike. Learn more and get started.
    • Open a Private Gallery Job > Settings > Yearbook Selection to enable it and choose your settings. 
    • PhotoDay guides customers through the simple selection process in their gallery.
    • Automated email and text reminders are sent until your chosen deadline.
    • Review, edit, and export the selections right from your PhotoDay Studio Panel.
  • On 7/1/24, a few updates went into effect for Richmond products and shipping in PhotoDay. No changes have been made to your Richmond price sheets, so be sure to review and adjust accordingly. View the Richmond + PhotoDay price list and find a summary of changes below:
    • Print pricing has been lowered to match Richmond’s current Volume Packaged print prices (8x10s will be $0.96 each instead of $1.30 each).
    • Most specialty item prices increased slightly.
    • Economy shipping is now $5.25 (instead of $3.50 for orders over $10.00 and $4.95 for orders under $10.00).
    • Shipping costs for bulky/large specialty items ($9.95) and all expedited shipping methods remain the same.
  • We added a new product for Miller’s. Open your Miller’s price sheet(s) to view and add them:
    • Folio
  • We added two new products for Reedy. Open your Reedy price sheet(s) to view and add them
    • 1x2 Vinyl Banner
    • 12x18 Vinyl Banner

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where deleting a price sheet or credit sheet was reverting archived jobs back to Draft status. We improved this behavior to only occur for active (non-archived) jobs. Rest assured that the only way an archived job will be restored is if you manually click the “restore” button. 
  • We fixed an issue where the upload progress modal disappeared. Now, when you upload photos to a job, the upload progress modal will display even when navigating to other Studio Panel pages.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.64

Feature Enhancements

  • Gallery Lookup is a new Beta feature that allows customers to find their subject’s photos within a private gallery without needing an access code. Learn more about how it works, specific use cases, and how to get started.
    • From Job > Subjects Data > Gallery Lookup Configuration, you can select the fields customers will use to help them find their private gallery. 
    • Customers can use Gallery Lookup by accessing a private gallery via either an Organization Page or the Job URL. 
  • Gallery Visibility gives you direct control over which jobs appear on an Organization Page. Learn more about these improvements and how to get started. You can now:
    • Display private galleries (in addition to group and public).
    • Choose to display all newly created jobs in AdvancePay and Published statuses by default. 
    • Select additional gallery statuses you want to display by default: Draft and Expired.
    • Control the above settings for each individual Job > Settings > Gallery Access.
  • Our recently announced Don Ward + PhotoDay themes are available for 2 more Miller’s products:
    • Trader Cards - Set of 12
    • Metal Luggage Tag (with address)
      Open your Miller’s price sheet(s) to view and add them > Make sure you have a Miller’s price sheet attached to a job > Select the “Miscellaneous” theme in the job’s settings.
  • We added 2 new products for Miller’s. Open your Miller’s price sheet(s) to view and add them:
    • 8x10 Modern Plaque
    • Folding Memory Mate
  • We added 2 new products for Richmond Pro Lab. Open your Richmond price sheet(s) to view and add them:
    • 8x24 Print
    • 10x30 Print
  • We added a new private gallery filter option to show subjects with missing data. For example, if you want to find every subject without an email address, you can now choose “Email Empty.” This new filter option is available for private gallery flyers, job photos, emails, and exports.

Bug Fixes

  • General Bug Fixes

Version 3.63

Feature Enhancements

  • New Organization Pages allow you to set up and share a single link to all your public and group galleries related to an organization. The link can be shared with organizations and parents to simplify the customer experience and eliminate the need to keep track of multiple access codes for different picture days within a single organization.
    Organization Pages are shared via a custom link which automatically grants access to all of the related galleries. Learn more about how it works, specific use cases, and how to get started.
  • We released an exciting new theme collection in collaboration with Don Ward of 3rd Creative—available exclusively through Miller’s + PhotoDay. The new themes complement Don Ward’s other popular designs and are automatically included in the “Miscellaneous” theme option for jobs using Miller’s price sheets. Themes are available for the following products:
    • 4x5 Graphic Magnet
    • 5x7 Individual Photo with Graphic
    • 8x10 Individual Photo with Graphic
    • 7x5 Group Photo with Graphic
    • 10x8 Group Photo with Graphic
    • Memory Mate Horizontal (10x8)
    • Memory Mate Vertical (8x10)
    • 3.5" Graphic Button 

We added 5 new products for Miller’s Lab—just in time for commencement season! Open your Miller’s price sheet(s) to view and add them:

  • Framed Print 5x7
  • Framed Print 8x10
  • Set of 25 Thank You Cards
  • Tassel Frame 9x11
  • Double Print 8x12
  • We updated and unified all “Export” icons to match “Download” icons across the Studio Panel.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.62

Feature Enhancements

  • In compliance with the INFORM Consumers Act (ICA), studios that reach the following criteria will be required to verify their business information in PhotoDay: 200 or more sales AND $5000 revenue in a 12 consecutive month period over the last 24 months.

    Studios will have 20 days (from 3/21/24 or after meeting the above requirements) to verify their business. If they don’t verify after 20 days, Galleries will be suspended from selling until business verification is successfully completed. The verification process will be completed via Persona (a secure verification software) embedded in the Studio Panel: Settings > My Studio > Verification. Learn more about ICA.

    If you meet these requirements, we’ll notify you when you log into your PhotoDay Studio Panel and email you instructions and reminders.
  • We added 8 new products for APS Lab! Open your APS price sheet(s) to view and add them.
    - Laser Cut Ornament
    - Set of 4 Ticket Magnets
    - Travel Mug 14 oz
    - Desk Mate - Dye Sub
    - Luggage Tag
    - Coasters
    - Can Wrap
    - 8x10 Dye Sub Plaque
  • For Wallet exports, we added the job name to each line item for clarity.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.61

Feature Enhancements

  • We added a new “Only Subjects without an Email” filter option for private gallery flyers. When downloading or sending PDFs to an organization, you can use this new filter option to print and/or distribute flyers only for subjects without an email address included in their subject data.
  • We improved the Wallet section in your Studio Panel. Now you can view the service type (Credit Purchase, Knockout, or Color Correction) and the "Amount Paid $" for credit purchases. We also added the options to filter the table by start/end dates or service type, aggregate data, and export the table as a CSV. Head to Settings > My Studio > Wallet to check it out.
  • When a private gallery job status is changed from Draft to AdvancePay, the picture day date is now included in the first email sent to customers (for private gallery automatic email campaigns).
  • If your studio has a logo uploaded, it will now be included in all private gallery automatic email campaigns to help your branding shine.

Bug Fixes

  • In private gallery jobs, we updated the Subject Detail bar to now display regardless of whether or not photos have been uploaded. This makes accessing a subject’s gallery deep link easier than ever.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.60

Feature Enhancements

  • Studios can now view all active messages being sent to customers! The new Active Messages section gives you an in-depth view of a job’s past and future automated communications, including reminder text campaigns, custom promos, and private gallery email campaigns. Preview each message and see when it was or will be sent according to the job’s gallery status and current settings. Find it within a Job > Marketing > Active Messages. Learn more
  • We made some minor revisions to the messaging in the manual marketing flyers.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.59

Feature Enhancements

  • Studios can now add first and last names for secondary users of their PhotoDay account. When creating a new invitation, you can enter their name before sending the invite. Existing users now have the placeholder name “School Photographer,” but you can edit this by going to Settings > My Studio > Users.
  • We added a new “Pre-Picture Day” manual marketing flyer. This new template is perfect for sharing information and access codes before picture day, without mentioning AdvancePay.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.58

Feature Enhancements

  • We added a helpful warning for studios if a job’s AdvancePay offer is selected as the Gallery Offer. This will ensure you avoid any missteps when offering discounts to your customers—saving you money and headaches.
    - “Heads up! This offer is already the AdvancePay offer for the gallery. Selecting it will make the offer available to all customers visiting the gallery.”

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.57

Feature Enhancements

  • We refreshed the parent-facing email designs to make it easier for customers to find their galleries, view receipts, and include visual improvements designed to increase click-through rates.
    - Emails included in this redesign: AdvancePay receipt, order receipt, order shipment, print release for High-Res Downloads, and the auto-campaign reminder series for private galleries
  • In an Order Invoice, the gallery/job name now links to the corresponding job dashboard page in the Studio Panel.
  • We’ve updated the My Studio > Users page to include the user status of either Invited or Accepted

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.56

Feature Enhancements

  • Custom SMS Promos can now only be scheduled to deploy on weekdays. 
    - Studios can no longer request to send Custom SMS on weekends. Our data shows that weekdays are the best time to launch galleries and run promos, with lower order volume on weekends.
  • Studios can now override our address verification system when validation fails for a bulk shipping address. This is especially helpful for schools and studios in rural areas.
  • We revamped our Sales & Marketing Kits with all-new digital and print materials to promote picture day, as well as new sell sheets for studios to give their prospective clients. Studios can check them out in the Studio Panel > Resources section. Stay tuned for new videos coming soon!

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.55

Feature Enhancements

  • We added a new tab-delimited text (.txt) file option for Service Item Exports, so studios can now choose to download either a .txt or .csv file.
  • A new bulk order number column has been added to a job’s shipping tab. Once a bulk shipping order has been processed, the order number will populate in the Job > Shipping table.  
  • We added navigational pages to the Current and Past tabs under Store > Promos.
  • Flyer download emails now include the job name in the subject line, making it easier for studios to keep track of them.
  • Any images not in sRGB profile will now be rejected at upload. Images must be in sRGB for consistent colors when printing from our labs.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.54

Feature Enhancements

  • Studios can now cancel Custom Promo SMS requests without contacting the Customer Success team. If a studio makes a mistake on a Custom Promo request and the status still says “Requesting,” they can go to Store > Promos > Custom to cancel the request and resubmit. 
  • When requesting a Custom Promo, studios can now choose who will receive the text message(s). By default, SMS will be sent only to customers who have opted-in but have not ordered yet. With a new “Select Audience” section, studios can choose to send to all gallery opt-ins.  
  • We made it easier for studios to find and share direct gallery links for each subject in a private gallery. With a new “copy to clipboard” quick link, studios can copy the link to that subject’s gallery with the click of a button. In the PhotoDay Studio Panel, open a private gallery job > Photos > Subjects Detail to copy and share when needed.
  • We added new labels to the Add Products window when creating a price sheet. To help clarify which items are being added, you’ll see new “Package Contents” and “A La Carte” labels above the respective tables.

Bug Fixes

General bug fixes.

Version 3.53

Feature Enhancements

  • We updated the optional Daily Email Summary—AdvancePay credit sales are now included, and the header copy was adjusted for clarity.
  • Studios can now change the shipping method of a Miller’s price sheet! Previously, studios were unable to adjust a pre-existing price sheet’s shipping type and had to create a brand new price sheet to accomplish this. Note: Bulk Shipping is only available for private galleries through Miller’s.
    - When changing a Drop Shipping price sheet to a Bulk or Bulk/Drop Shipping price sheet, some products may not be available, in which case a warning will explain that any unavailable products will be automatically removed from the price sheet.
  • Made general design and graphic improvements in the Studio Panel.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where digital download bundle pricing tiers did not carry over when duplicating a price sheet.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.52.0

Feature Enhancements

We’ve launched Digital Download Bundles in the PhotoDay Studio Panel.

  • From the Digital Products section of a Price Sheet, studios can now configure their High-Res digital downloads into Bundles with either Tiered Pricing or Max Price:
    - Tiered Pricing bundles let the studio create up to 5 variable tiers with either decreasing price per photo (PPP) or an increasing percentage discount off the a la carte retail price.
    - Max Price bundles allow the studio to offer up to a maximum number of high-res digital downloads at a fixed, discounted price. A max number of allowed digitals and a max retail price is set by the studio.
  • We’ve added the job name to the name of the download report from Insights > Sales & Insights > Customers.
  • We’ve reconfigured the Bulk Shipping deadline campaign. Now, the automatic email for a bulk shipping deadline is considered part of the "Post-Picture Day Series" email campaign. When this series is toggled off, the bulk shipping email will not deploy.
  • For Custom Promos, the offer code will now be shown for requested “Flash Sale” texts.

Bug Fixes

General bug fixes

Version 3.51.0

Feature Enhancements

  • We’ve added a new “Request Refund” button to all Order detail pages and AdvancePay Credit Order detail pages. Studios can now click this button to access the refund request form with all of that order’s details automatically populated in the form. 
    - Studios will only need to enter the reason for the refund and click submit. 
    - The “Refund Amount” field will populate the full amount of the order but can be adjusted if only requesting a partial refund. 
    - The refund request form has been removed from the Resources > Support section. All refund requests must be submitted directly from an Order or AdvancePay Credit Order.
  • When republishing an expired gallery, the job will now automatically publish without having to clear the old expiration date. Previously, studios were required to take the additional step of removing the past expiration date in the job’s settings before the gallery would go live.
  • When a studio publishes a job with an expired AdvancePay offer, we are now displaying a warning letting them know that the offer’s expiration date needs to be extended or removed in order for customers to redeem the offer at checkout. Previously, the expired offer would be detached from the job without notifying the studio. 
  • When reviewing photos in a private gallery job export, the "Ignore All" button for images with issues has been redesigned to be more noticeable & actionable.
  • We’ve updated the subject filtering options for marketing flyers to match the subject filtering on exports. The initial filter drop-down (before the subject data filter) now includes All Subjects, Subjects with a reference photo, Subjects without a reference photo, Subjects with matched photos, Subjects with no matched photos, Subjects with a reference photo and no matched photos, & only subjects marked absent to match the exports filter drop-down. 
    - Previously Only subjects with photos and Only subjects without photos were optional filters, but have been removed since they are now included in the initial filter drop-down.
  • When a price sheet and themes are saved from Job > Settings > Store > Products, but some products are unavailable due to the necessary themes not being selected, we’ve redesigned the warning to be more noticeable and actionable. Studios can now click “View Unavailable Products” to review the affected items.
  • When navigating to the Promos section from within a job (Job > Marketing > Promos), that job now automatically populates as selected for the current promo. This alleviates any repetitive scrolling since studios have already opened that particular job.
  • In the Job > Insights > Customers section, the "Total Orders Placed" category is now named "Unique Customers" to better represent this total. For added clarity, the corresponding tooltip now says, “Number of unique customers who placed one or more orders.”
  • In the Job > Insights sections, we’ve adjusted the tables to display more columns without needing to scroll horizontally. This is especially helpful for users with smaller screen sizes.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.50.0

Feature Enhancements

We’ve launched Galleries 4, PhotoDay’s new customer storefront.

  • Galleries 4 is a Progressive Web Application, which means customers do not need to download an app. Galleries 4 can be viewed on a mobile device or desktop browser and will automatically adjust to the device’s screen size. 
  • Customers already subscribed to group or private galleries will now receive deep links to their gallery instead of access codes. This functionality is already available for public galleries.
    - Gallery deep links are used in PhotoDay’s SMS marketing, automatic email campaigns, and manual marketing flyers.
  • All customers must now create an account to purchase from a gallery. 
    - There is no longer an option for guest checkout.
    - Upon account creation, customers can opt-in to email and text communications in compliance with TCPA and CAN-SPAM.
  • Studio names are now included in the gallery’s header.
    - Any uploaded job logos will also be displayed in gallery headers
  • If a customer has opted into multiple galleries, they are now listed chronologically from the most recent gallery published.
    - We have also added sorting options so galleries can be filtered alphabetically and by publish date.
  • Tags have been updated, customers can now search for tags without needing to scroll through a list.
    - Tags can also be selected and stacked.
  • Customers will now tap to favorite their photos in the gallery before moving on in the checkout process.
    - We’ve also added a “Favorite All” function. In group or public galleries, customers can favorite all once they’ve narrowed down their search through tags or FaceFind; in private galleries, customers can favorite all photos in their gallery with one click. 
  • Package descriptions are now displayed clearly, and in a new pop-up, customers can get a quick view of the package contents.
  • Products are organized into fully searchable categories.
  • The customization process for both individual images and packages has been refined. After selecting a package or an à la carte product, the all-new Product Customizer appears, allowing customers to quickly adjust their photo choice, custom text, and graphic themes on their products.
    - Retouching is now available right from within the customizer.
    - If a customer wants to, they can make final adjustments and edit their products right from within the shopping cart.
  • Galleries 4 will apply to all new jobs as well as any jobs in draft status that are published from July 5 on. Galleries already published or in AdvancePay mode will not be affected. Both the current galleries site ( and the new Galleries 4 site ( will be functional during the transition period.
    - During the transition period, jobs that are linked to Galleries 4 will be noted under the Job > Settings > Job Details.
    - The official transition period to Galleries 4 will end on August 1, 2023. From this date forward, all galleries will operate in Galleries 4 (, and the current galleries site ( will be retired.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.49.0

Feature Enhancements

  • We've updated the Job > Marketing tab to include a new menu on the left-hand side of the page. Here you can find Manual Flyers and Promos for all job types, as well as Auto-Campaign Settings for private gallery jobs. The way these sections function has not changed, they are just now more easily accessible. The Promos and Auto-Campaign Settings can still be found in their original locations, as well.
    - You can now view a Flyer's History by hovering over the flyer and clicking the Sent History button.
  • Studios can now publish a gallery using a Bulk or Drop price sheet without any bulk shipping details added. A message will appear explaining that bypassing this step and publishing the job will only display drop shipping options for customers.
  • A link to the Refund Policy has been added to the refund request form below the header.
  • Reedy Photo added a new 4x12 print product. Studios can view it in their Reedy price sheets.

Bug Fixes

  • Added auto-retry for Knockouts to prevent a job from not completing.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.48.0

Feature Enhancements

  • We’ve added the ability in Private Jobs to see which galleries have been accessed! 
    - Studios can now send marketing emails based on this behavior to encourage subjects who have or have not viewed their gallery as well as those who have not purchased photos from their gallery even if they have viewed it. 
    - Gives studios the ability to filter Exports & Marketing Flyers/emails in Private Jobs to either subjects that have accessed/viewed their gallery or just those that have not.
    - From the Insights tab of the job studios will also see the number of Subjects Accessed, Percent Accessed (Total Subjects Accessed / Matched Subjects), Subjects Ordered, and Percent Ordered.
  • We added a progress bar to indicate that FaceFind is analyzing individual photos when uploading photos to a job. Studios will also now see a warning if they attempt to publish before it has completed processing.
  • We've added a new green spill removal option when submitting a Knockouts job. This setting will be off by default, but studios can toggle it on when creating their Post-Processing job.
  • 4 new Bay Photo drinkware products have been added! Studios can view them in their Bay price sheets.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues where selecting all images from a specific search result and then disabling digital downloads or applying a new tag would apply to all images in the job rather than just to the selection.
  • Fixed an issue where subjects would not appear in Flyer send modal if they only had an email address in the Email 2 column.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.47.0

Feature Enhancements

New Default Watermark:

  • As AI watermark removers become more prevalent, we researched and made intentional improvements to our default watermark to make it more resistant by adding a colored gradient, an irregular pattern, and soft edges.
  • If you are currently using PhotoDay’s default watermark, you can manually update it by going to Settings > My Studio > Logo & Watermark > click "Default"
  • Starting 5/4/23, all previous default watermarks will be automatically updated to the new design.
  • Studios using their own custom watermark will not see any changes.

General Updates:

  • We created a new processing progress bar to indicate that FaceFind is working its magic! When uploading photos to a job, the progress bar will show you how far along FaceFind is in analyzing your photos.
  • We added more specific error messages regarding the reason an image fails to upload such as not meeting color space and depth requirements. Learn more.
  • New Bay Photo drinkware products have been added! Studios can view them in their Bay price sheets.
  • We made some adjustments to ensure that the full file name is visible on all displays when uploading duplicates.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the selection count was not updating when images were unselected during the Post-Processing photo review step.
  • Fixed a private gallery job issue where navigating to the second page of a search result in Subjects Data would reset results to all subjects.
  • Fixed an issue where a bulk deadline date was required for studios to set a job to AdvancePay when using a Bulk or Drop price sheet.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.46.0

Feature Enhancements

  • To prevent text messages from sending outside commercially compliant times, we’ve implemented new SMS time restrictions. When a job is published or set to AdvancePay for the first time between the hours of 8 PM and 8:59 AM, the related automatic SMS series will be temporarily suppressed until 9 AM (based on the job's timezone). Studios can still change their job’s gallery status at any time.
  • Added a 5 Credit minimum purchase requirement for PhotoDay Credits.
  • Made general design improvements and responsiveness adjustments to the Home, Store, and Jobs sections of the Studio Panel. 

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where invitation emails were not being received.
  • Fixed an issue where Sales Today was displaying incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where bulk shipping settings were not required with a bulk/drop price sheet.
  • Added a subtotal column to Reports.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.45.0

Feature Enhancements

  • We updated our email validation process to accept new domain extensions in email addresses. For example: .photography, .studio, etc. in addition to the standard .com.
  • Studios can now add an organization while creating a job. Previously, studios could only add organizations by leaving the job creation flow and going to the separate Organizations page.
  • Newly designed icons, buttons, tables, and modals have been added to the Studio Panel for a fresh look.
  • NOTE: Earlier this week we notified PhotoDay Users about updates to publish time restrictions that were intended to be a part of this release. We heard your early feedback and have decided to put this development on hold while we work to optimize this user experience.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where dragging and dropping photos to match subjects wasn’t working on Firefox browsers.
  • Fixed an issue where re-uploaded photos were not properly replacing ones that originally had special characters stripped from their filenames.

Version 3.44.0

Feature Enhancements

Post-Processing Services Introduced:

  • Knockouts service has been revamped and Color Correction service has been added.
  • PhotoDay Credits have been reduced in price from $0.35 to $0.10. Knockouts now cost 2 credits per photo, with Color Correction priced at 1 credit per photo.

Bulk Shipping Updates:

  • Studios can now view all details about processed bulk shipments, as well as a list of all orders that were included in each bulk shipment.
  • Studios can now view sales information for each bulk shipment, including relevant orders volume and revenue associated with each bulk order.
  • Individual Order Details now include a link to the related bulk order. Studios can now see the status and tracking of orders that were included in a bulk shipment.

General Updates:

  • Added a Studio Reporting field to the Studio Information screen and a Job Reporting field to the Job Details screen. 
  • Updated restrictions for watermark files to prevent customer issues when loading. Watermark files must now be a maximum of 5000x5000px and 2MB. 
  • Sorting and filtering functions of Subjects in Private Gallery Jobs have been improved. Studios can now select multiple filters to be used and they always sort alphabetically within other sorts chosen.
  • Added the AdvancePay Credit Reference number to the customer’s order receipt. 
  • Added the Studio’s name to the order detail view for both the Studio and the Customer.
  • Updated Customer receipt to show the theme image instead of preview image to help with customer confusion.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue occurring when deleting emails from a flyer mailing list.
  • Fixed an issue relating to how the Studio Panel is displayed in browsers running on Windows.
  • Fixed an issue where filtering by “Absent” for marketing flyers within private jobs was not working correctly.

Version 3.43.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Studios can now request custom SMS from within the Studio Panel. Requests will be viewed and approved by the Customer Success Team.
  • In Subject Overview, filenames are now displayed on the Featured Photo selection window.
  • The required minimum price for a digital download has been reduced. Studios can now offer digital downloads for a minimum of $2 each (previously $5 each).
  • Studios can now choose to receive Net Promoter Score (NPS) notifications by email. Daily emails, weekly emails, or both can be turned on by going to Settings > Account > Notification Settings.

Bug Fixes

  • Updates have been made to private gallery subject emails to ensure that reminder notifications continue to be sent to additional email addresses attached to the subject that have not ordered. For example: Subject has Email 1 and Email 2 data associated with it. Email 1 places an order and reminder series are turned off for them, but Email 2 will still receive reminders since they haven’t placed an order yet.
  • Fixed an export issue where file names were truncating from periods in data.
  • Fixed an issue where private gallery flyers were not rendering the correct size for subjects.
  • Fixed an issue where the upload modal was disappearing when images were over 8000px.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.42.0

Feature Enhancements

  • New Updates to AdvancePay: AP credits will now expire 14 months after purchase date (existing AP credits will not be affected). New reminder series have been created to communicate approaching expiration dates. Leftover credit balances will automatically go to the studio after the reminder series has ended and the expiration date has passed.
  • Cropping Preset Profiles have been added to Exports. Users can now separately choose the aspect ratio, crop type (loose, standard, tight), and resolution. This will help ensure centering and consistency from job to job. 
  • The updated AdvancePay Payout Policy and AdvancePay Refund Policy have been added to the Studio Panel site footer.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where backgrounds were not rendering correctly on flyers and emails for private galleries in some cases. 
  • Fixed an issue to improve studio email validation.
  • Fixed an issue where retouching prices were not reflecting correctly on some invoices.

Version 3.41.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added verification step for studio address upon account creation and when the address is updated in “My Studio” section.
  • Updated AdvancePay details view to show transaction history, balance, expiration, etc.
  • Updated orders report to include more AdvancePay information including expiration date and remaining balance. Some columns have been hidden in studio view, but still exist in the CSV export.
  • When uploading duplicate files in a job, studios will now be shown a list of the duplicate filenames and given the option to replace, skip, or cancel. 
  • Additionally, when choosing to replace photos in a job, studios can now choose whether they want the replacement files to retain the same attributes as the previously uploaded images (e.g. Digital Download Disabled, Tag, Featured Photo, and manual subject matches).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where tags were showing inaccurate search results.
  • Fixed a bug where package ordering wasn’t saving in price sheets.
  • Fixed an issue with “Last Uploaded” > “Select All” wasn’t working.
  • Fixed an issue where reprint tracking emails were not received.

Version 3.40.0

Feature Enhancements

  • A new file size restriction has been implemented. Files must now be 8000px or less in either height or width. 
  • On the Subject Data page, studios can now combine filters on multiple columns. This is an extension of recent improvements made in versions 3.39 and 3.38.
  • For the newly introduced retail delivery fee in the state of Colorado, a line has been added in the order descriptions to include this.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where unnecessary calls to the server on private jobs were being made. This fix will reduce server load and improve performance in the studio panel.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.39.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added a new export preset for School Photographers of America (SPOA) Universal Export to support a variety of School Information Systems (SIS). 
  • On the Subject Data page, studios can now select multiple filters without resetting the first selected filter.
  • A new message has been added to the Studio Panel Tax section. Beginning January 1, 2023, PhotoDay will remit taxes on behalf of studios to their respective states. Stripe will also be providing 1099-K forms each year.
  • Sales Reports in the Studio Panel have been updated with columns and tooltips related to new tax protocols (mentioned above) and state delivery fees.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue so that the return address on shipments is the lab’s address. 
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.38.0

Feature Enhancements

  • In Private Gallery Jobs > Subjects Data Page, studios can now skip entering previously required info (like a Student ID). Studios can also now sort and filter subject data using the column headers.  
  • When uploading images to a knockout job, duplicate filenames will not be accepted. Previously, duplicate filenames were only prevented in the main job photo upload, but not in the knockouts section.
  • The automatic email campaign previously named “Pre-Picture Day Series” is now called the “AdvancePay Series” for better clarification and function. The “day before picture day” email will only send for jobs that are in AdvancePay mode (this email will not go out for jobs in Draft mode). 
  • The marketing flyer filter “Only Subjects Without Purchases” has been improved to eliminate all marketing communications to email addresses included in orders. Previously, only the first subject from a multiple-subject order would be considered as part of the purchase. 
  • Reports now include “State Delivery Fee” line item.
  • New SMS have been added for jobs with bulk shipping that include the order deadline. 
  • All SMS now have a hierarchy of message priority to ensure that a customer will only receive 1 text message a day.
  • General copy changes within the studio panel for clarification and consistency.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in private gallery jobs where only images with a detected face and no subject matches were populating in the Unmatched section. The Unmatched section now functions as intended, so that any images with no subject matches will display in Unmatched.
  • Fixed an issue where an image disabled for digital download was purchased as a download.
  • Fixed an issue where exports were filtering full and partial matches instead of exact matches only.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on an AdvancePay order in reports linked to the incorrect page.
  • Fixed an issue where studios had to refresh the page to update a job status if a price sheet was deleted. 
  • Fixed an issue where studios could not drag photos more than once in a Firefox browser.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.37.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Emails regarding knockouts now include the job name and knockout name in the email’s subject line.
  • When uploading photos to a job, studios can now click “replace/skip all” before the entire upload completes. Previously, studios had to wait until later in the upload process to click replace/skip.
  • Updated the “Edit Columns” button in Private Gallery Jobs > Subjects Data Page. Previously the button was an icon, but now it says “Edit Columns” for improved clarity.
  • The sign-up page has been updated to include a “next picture day” drop-down menu to aid with the onboarding process. 
  • Reprint requests now have an improved display of the reprint status on the Order Receipt page. 
  • Regarding creating tags from metadata keywords, if keywords are separated by semicolons, they will not be turned into tags.
  • When viewing background collections in the studio panel, you can now sort them by the date they were created.
  • Previously, when exporting data from PhotoDay, some column headers did not exactly match the header titles required for uploading data back into PhotoDay. The export headers are now perfectly matched so exporting and importing are streamlined.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding studio order reports displaying no data.

Version 3.36.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added verbiage regarding sending post-publish emails when a job has not yet been published.
  • Knockouts are now returned alphabetically along with visual confirmation of the quantity.
  • Improved email subject for exports for clarity.
  • Introduced a notification for studios who have cookies blocked.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug related to the “with photos” or “without purchases” filter during flyer downloads.

Version 3.35.0

Feature Enhancements

  • The reprint request form wording has been updated for clarity. This form is not applicable for any print errors caused by studio or customer error.
  • Lightroom keywords are now translated into tags for PNGs.
  • When importing and mapping a CSV in your private gallery, the mapping screen will now highlight fields that are not being mapped. Mapped fields can also be removed in bulk if desired.
  • Subject images are now included in the automatic campaign emails.
  • For manual flyers and automatic email campaigns, knocked-out subject images now include the job’s default background
  • In a private gallery job, a subject overview filter has been clarified to reference subjects with a matched photo but without a featured photo.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.34

Feature Enhancements

  • Added a new data-only CSV export type for basic compositing workflow.
  • Email flyer filters are now sorted alphabetically.
  • Updated the Subject Overview in a private gallery job to include the “Subjects without feature” filter.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where email flyers were not updating offers before sending.
  • Fixed an issue where email flyer history was not displaying.
  • Fixed the order preview overlay for keychains with Miller's.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.33

Feature Enhancements

  • The jobs list page now has pagination navigation.
  • When viewing then exiting a subject in a private gallery job, the subject overview page will maintain your scroll. 
  • Added a “Next Subject” button within the subject detail screen when featuring.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.32

Feature Enhancements

  • In order details, the product image now attempts to use the layout’s theme preview.
  • Digital download links will now recreate when an order receipt is resent. 
  • When a job is published with transparent photos uploaded but without backgrounds added, the transparent photos will be hidden in the gallery.
  • Speed improvements for when querying subjects.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where orders for deleted jobs were not displaying.
  • Fixed an issue where the main menu navigation was not highlighting when Academy was selected.
  • Fixed an issue of flyers not showing all available offers.
  • Fixed an issue where deleted export items were unable to be found.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.31

Feature Enhancements

  • Updated messaging for bulk and bulk & drop Miller’s price sheets to reflect new product pricing.
  • Organization contacts can now have a blank first or last name.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue occurring when trying to add products to a package on mobile.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.30

Feature Enhancements

  • Promos are now available for jobs that are 365 days old, rather than 180 days old.
  • Added a disclaimer explaining that setting an expiration date for a gallery will trigger a text notifying customers.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.29

Feature Enhancements

  • Reprints can now be requested directly from the order page. No more lengthy forms!
  • Changed the order resolution form to a refund request form.
  • Added the job name and private access code to order reports.
  • Updated Refund Policy copy.
  • Renamed “GiftCard” to “AdvancePay” in reports CSV export.
  • Updated reports to display subject info if customer info is not available.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the subject overview dropdown would always display all subjects.

Version 3.28

Feature Enhancements

  • Gallery Offer code is now included in automatic SMS campaigns

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where matching all photos would only match up to 100 photos.
  • Updated messaging and profit calculations for bulk products.

Version 3.27

Feature Enhancements

  • Custom Themes feature is now available with Reedy Photo.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with setting default backgrounds.
  • Fixed an issue when removing a subject’s reference photo and unmatching.

Version 3.26

Feature Enhancements

  • Users can now filter and send private gallery marketing flyers to subjects who have or haven't already placed an order.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where subject data fields were adding a new field instead of replacing the one selected.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.25

Feature Enhancements

  • Users can now customize the filename of their exports by selecting up to 3 values.
  • Purchase information is now included in the subject list if requested.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the flyer size and margining for mobile
  • General bug fixes

Version 3.24

Feature Enhancements

  • Updated expanding live preview in cart and order item requests.
  • Updated promo messages to include job name in the text copy.
  • Added reprint request feature to order detail.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed 3 issues related to FaceFind for studio matching:
  • Scenario of uploading a reference photo after would only match the largest face.
  • Scenario of when having the same face in multiple subjects and then uploading a photo it would only match to one subject.
  • Scenario of adding a reference photo, then deleting it, then re-uploading would still match even though the photo had been removed.

Version 3.23

Feature Enhancements

  • New Campaigns feature added in studio job settings.
  • Added a new marketing card in the job dashboard.
  • Added a button to go to campaigns settings for private galleries on a job’s marketing page.
  • Added a new modal for when a private job is switched to AdvancePay.
  • Updated the publish modal for private galleries.
  • Updated the support article links in Campaigns

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.22

Feature Enhancements

  • Added a clickable tracking link to order details when available.
  • Added “ship date” information to orders report.
  • 2022 Promos added to studio panel.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.19

Feature Enhancements

  • Updated the modal that pops up before publishing a job to explain the process and next steps more clearly.
  • Updated Orders to include AdvancePay orders.
  • Updated AdvancePay detail screen so that clicking the link to “go back” will take you to the screen you were previously on.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where sometimes purchases would not show up in product reports until the next day.
  • Fixed issue where auto-SMS reminders would ignore time zones.

Version 3.18

Feature Enhancements

  • Knockouts Service and PhotoDay Wallet are now available.
  • Updated default description copy for AdvancePay flyers.
  • For bulk shipping jobs, tracking info for all bulk orders are now displayed in the Job’s dashboard screen.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.17

Feature Enhancements

  • Trailblazer Tips video added to Studio Home page
  • Tip of the Month added to Trailblazer Tips in Academy Programs
  • Studio Orders date format updated to MM/DD/YYYY

Bug Fixes

Version 3.69

Feature Enhancements

  • We improved the customer retouching experience by adding the option to "Retouch All" or "Remove Retouch All" from their cart. 
  • We adjusted the background resolution to avoid any pixelation issues in the customer gallery.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.68

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • We adjusted the placement and wording of some error messages in Galleries checkout for improved clarity. 
  • We fixed an issue where custom job logos weren’t appearing correctly in live previews for Reedy memory mates.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.67

Feature Enhancements

  • We improved the Digital Download Bundles product in the Galleries Storefront.
    To help clarify how digital download bundles work and prevent customer confusion, we revised the product copy to read as follows: "Download high-resolution files of your favorite photos. A print release is included, so you can print them in various sizes whenever you're ready. Select the number of photos below to build your bundle and save!"

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.66

Feature Enhancements

  • We made some exciting improvements to the digital bundle banners in the storefront. When you offer tiered digital download bundles, the banner will showcase the maximum discount available rather than the more expensive “starting at” price. Additionally, we updated the banner design to make it look even more like a clickable, shoppable product. 
  • When setting up Yearbook Selection for a job, URLs added to the “Customer Instructions” box will automatically display as hyperlinks in the gallery’s customer-facing modal. Any clicked links will open in a new tab, so your customers won’t exit the gallery.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.65.1

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue at checkout where specific address verification failure reasons were not triggering the Address Verification override modal, preventing customers from proceeding to place their orders.
  • We fixed an issue on the Galleries login page: the “Continue with Email” option was inaccessible if a customer enlarged their font size. 
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.65

Feature Enhancements

  • Yearbook Selection is a new feature that simplifies the photo selection workflow for photographers, organizations, and customers alike. Once enabled for a private gallery job, PhotoDay will guide customers through the easy selection process right within their gallery. Learn more and get started.
  • We updated the gallery card design to include new notices for Offer Available! and Expiring Soon. These time-sensitive messages encourage customers to engage with the gallery and place their orders quickly.
  • When a customer accesses an expired gallery, we updated the message to now read: “This gallery has expired. To purchase items from this gallery, contact the photographer,” followed by your studio contact information.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where the Favoriting Photos instructions were collapsing when scrolling in a gallery. Now, even when scrolling, those instructions will be visible until the customer favorites photos in their gallery. 
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.64

Feature Enhancements

  • When entering a gallery for the first time, customers are greeted with a modal showing the gallery details, gallery name, subscription options, etc. We updated this modal for private galleries to feature the Subject Name and Featured Image (if applicable).
  • We improved the dynamic display of digital products in the customer storefront. For example, if no photos in the gallery are available for download, no digital a la carte products will be displayed. Packages including digital products will not be affected.

Bug Fixes

  • Improvements have been made to an error message for jobs with Miller’s Drop shipping: “The items in your cart cannot be shipped to a PO Box. Please enter a different shipping address.” This message displays when no shipping options are available because 1. The specific products don’t qualify for Economy shipping, and 2. The customer has selected to use a PO Box, for which Economy” shipping is the only option.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.63

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.62

Feature Enhancements

  • In compliance with the INFORM Consumers Act (ICA), we added two customer-facing updates:
    - Your studio contact information is now included in all order receipts.
    - The footer of all galleries contains a link to a new “Report Suspicious Activity” form.
  • We made small adjustments to the customer-facing automatic email campaigns clarifying that purchasing an AdvancePay credit is required to receive an AdvancePay offer.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.61

Feature Enhancements

  • Customers now have the option to create and verify a Galleries account with their email address, rather than requiring a US mobile phone number. Existing accounts won’t see any changes, but new customers now have the option to "Continue with Email.” This is the first of many steps toward creating a more inclusive, flexible viewing and shopping experience for your customers.
  • We updated the product thumbnail images for all standard (non-themed) print products for all of PhotoDay’s lab partners.

Bug Fixes

Version 4.14

Feature Enhancements

  • We added a sparkle animation to help draw attention to the backgrounds option when customers are customizing their photo products. This addition will intuitively highlight the ability to select different backgrounds during the shopping experience. Further improvements are coming soon!
  • We added a scroll bar option for customers viewing and shopping from their desktop computers. This improvement will specifically benefit customers using a mouse without a scroll wheel.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.60

Feature Enhancements

  • When a customer texts an access code to 90738, they will automatically be opted in to receive SMS marketing for that gallery—including customers who have previously opted out from SMS messaging. These customers no longer have to text START before texting their new access code.
  • Customers who opt out of marketing messages by texting STOP will still receive necessary verification codes when logging into their PhotoDay Galleries account.
  • We improved the customer checkout experience for jobs using “Bulk or Drop” Price Sheets. The updated flow and wording help clarify and explain the two shipping options available to customers.

Bug Fixes


Feature Enhancements

  • We updated the customer checkout process in PhotoDay Galleries to reduce steps and prevent incomplete fields.
    - The “Place Order” button and coupon code section moved to the Checkout Summary, similar to the Cart Summary.
    - Address and Email/Phone/SMS sections are now combined into a single section.
    - The flow of the Payment section has been optimized. When customers click the “Place Order” button on mobile, their native browser payment system (Apple Pay or Google Pay) will be triggered. 
    - Customers must complete the Recipient info section in the first step of checkout before progressing to the next sections. Once completed, the Shipping and Payment sections will be enabled, along with the “Place Order” button. This ensures that customers don’t attempt to skip steps that prevent them from checking out and that they are only offered shipping options that apply to their mailing address.

Bug Fixes


Feature Enhancements

  • We updated the customer-facing message explaining how AdvancePay works (and that photos aren’t quite ready yet), when a gallery is in AdvancePay status.
  • The “Let's Get Started” and “About You” screens that populate when a customer first visits have been updated for clarity.

Bug Fixes


Feature Enhancements

  • When a customer visits a gallery in AdvancePay status, the first available credit option will now be pre-selected to help guide customers through the AdvancePay checkout process.
  • When a studio offers an a la carte product in a quantity of X, customers will now see “(Pack of X)” in the gallery storefront’s initial product summary rather than only in the product details modal.

Bug Fixes


Feature Enhancements

  • We’ve launched Digital Download Bundles in the customer storefront:
    - Customers can select a bundle of digital downloads
    - Customers can select and customize the images for digital bundles
    - Customers can add additional digitals or remove digitals from their cart when building a bundle
    - Learn more about Digital Download Bundles on the blog.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.51.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Officially retired as target destination for end-customers. All gallery traffic is now directed to, with Galleries 4 being implemented across all jobs.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.48.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Customer order invoices now read “Balance Paid” instead of “Balance Due” to prevent any confusion that a customer has an outstanding balance on any order.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.46.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Improved customer address validation at checkout. When a customer inputs their delivery address, we will check if the address is valid. If invalid, they must correct the address. If valid, we will check if the address is deliverable. If it’s not deliverable, a warning will display asking the customer to accept the undeliverable address or correct it.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.45.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Updated all AdvancePay graphics to clearly illustrate that AdvancePay is a credit, not a gift card. 
  • Improved the title tag and meta description for to make it even easier for customers to find the correct site to access their galleries.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where font sizes were rendering too small for certain products in their live previews.
  • Fixed an issue where customers were unable to download all of their digital download products onto their mobile devices.

Version 3.44.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added the AdvancePay Credit Reference number to the customer’s order receipt. 
  • Added the Studio’s name to the order detail view for both the Studio and the Customer.
  • Updated Customer receipt to show the theme image instead of preview image to help with customer confusion.

Bug Fixes

  • The customer cart at checkout has been updated so the Total appears below the AdvancePay Credit.
  • Updated verbiage on the SMS opt-in during checkout regarding shipping notifications.
  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.43.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added the AdvancePay Credit Reference Number to the customer order receipt.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.42.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added a link to the Customer AdvancePay Policy to the Customer Gallery.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.41.0

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue related to customers blocking cookies on iOS Safari and receiving an error.

Version 3.40.0

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a CO address was triggering a minimum order amount error.

Version 3.39.0

Feature Enhancements

  • At, the button to add a new gallery has been tweaked and updated for greater clarity. The button says “+ Add New Gallery” and has been moved back to the top for desktop and tablet. It will remain at the bottom for phones.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.38.0

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the link to view a detailed receipt was resulting in a “page not found” error.
  • Fixed an issue where an invalid offer was showing as applied.
  • Fixed an issue where vertical photos were populating in horizontal products.
  • Fixed issues where two subjects’ images could be included in the same package, as well as where the package of the second subject could not edit the images in their package after it had been added to the cart. 

Version 3.36.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added live preview to Richmond pose products.
  • Made improvements to live preview to more accurately reflect the final product when using custom themes.
  • Updated the SMS promotional series for Private Galleries to exclude subscribers that have no matching photos.
  • Multiple updates to messaging throughout the gallery for clarity.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.34

Feature Enhancements

  • Added a new “Add Gallery” button for customers to add additional galleries from

Bug Fixes

  • Updated the overlay orientation in customizer, order receipt, and cart.

Version 3.33

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where selecting “Preview Package” was not showing the product details when a job was in AdvancePay.

Version 3.32

Feature Enhancements

  • In order details, the product image now attempts to use the layout’s theme preview.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.28

Feature Enhancements

  • Changed the word "Zoom" to "Crop" in the product customizer.
  • Added additional check for layout themes to prevent product customizer crash.
  • Removed Bulk messaging from the sidebar at checkout.

Bug Fixes

Version 3.27

Feature Enhancements

  • Added new fonts for Reedy Thank You Card products.
  • The product customizer can now scroll horizontally as well as vertically.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where an image was covering the product name on order details.

Version 3.24

Feature Enhancements

  • Special characters and spaces can no longer be typed when entering a gallery access code

Bug Fixes

Version 3.17

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • When a product is themed, the product customizer modal no longer skips the cropping. Customers will get to confirm the crop prior to moving on to the next customizable option.
  • Fixed not being able to click on “Get Started” button from the AdvancePay modal (Mobile)

Version 3.23

Feature Enhancements

  • Added Email Preferences to allow un-subscription and re-subscription to email campaigns.
  • Updated AdvancePay modal copy.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Version 3.22

Feature Enhancements

  • Added a clickable tracking link to order details when available.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some digital downloads were PNG instead of JPG.
  • Fixed an issue occurring with some digital downloads where background options were appearing when customizing non-transparent images.

Version 3.21

Feature Enhancements

  • Added crop overlay for BRI/Bay Metal Bag Tag

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where an empty cart could return an error “Cannot convert undefined or null to object!”
  • Fixed an issue where some digital downloads were PNG instead of JPG

Version 3.19

Feature Enhancements

  • Disabled QTY for packages in product customizer.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where taxes would sometimes not display when ordering with bulk shipping.

Version 3.18

Feature Enhancements

  • Updated copy for a Gallery that is in draft mode and improved how customers subscribe and opt-in to the gallery.
  • Customers can now purchase the same image for both high-resolution and social sharing download if a different background has been selected.

Bug Fixes

iOS & Android

Feature Enhancements

Effective 5/1/23 the Galleries app will no longer be available for download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Customer galleries are no longer accessible from the Galleries App. Customers will be directed to enter their access code at instead. Learn more.

Bug Fixes

iOS - Version 2.3.1

Feature Enhancements

  • Crop border size is set by the server.
  • SVG support to cart prints.
  • Draft screen for galleries.
  • Changed bebas neue font.
  • Crop border is now on the inside of the image.

Bug Fixes

  • Cart items not fading out on delete correctly.
  • Fixed an incorrect font for live preview

iOS - Version 2.3.6

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • When changing photo for a digital download, if background is already in-use then the app chooses the next available background. (Fixes issue of being unable to select a DD of a photo already in the cart, but with a different background)
  • Fixed “Choose Background” and “Change Photo” being off center

iOS - Version 2.3.5

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Gallery information is now fetched right before checkout. (Prevents issue where name requirement doesn’t match the server; the studio changed the setting while the user was using the app.)

iOS - Version 2.3.4

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed modals not fitting inside of small screens
  • Fixed slow typing by speeding up AP checkout validation
  • Fixed tapping next in AP checkout going to a hidden/invisible field

Android - Version 2.3.3

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed adding galleries not working for some guest users

iOS - Version 2.3.3

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed adding galleries not working for some guest users

Android - Version 2.8.0

Feature Enhancements

  • The amount of AdvancePay (AP) credits purchased per subject will now display in Capture! At a glance, you can know which subjects have purchased AP credits and how much. This update is especially useful for studios using AdvancePay to determine the number of poses or costumes in which a subject should be photographed. You can toggle this off in Settings > Display AP Credit Amount.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where filters were displaying an incorrect text color.
  • General bug fixes.

iOS - Version 2.8.0

Feature Enhancements

  • The amount of AdvancePay (AP) credits purchased per subject will now display in Capture! At a glance, you can know which subjects have purchased AP credits and how much. This update is especially useful for studios using AdvancePay to determine the number of poses or costumes in which a subject should be photographed. You can toggle this off in Settings > Display AP Credit Amount.

Bug Fixes

Android - Version 2.6.0

Feature Enhancements

  • We added a new filter option that allows you to see whether or not a subject has purchased an AdvancePay Credit for that job. This functional filter is especially helpful for studios only photographing subjects who pre-pay.
  • General UI improvements and updates

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes 

iOS - Version 2.6.0

Feature Enhancements

  • We added a new filter option that allows you to see whether or not a subject has purchased an AdvancePay Credit for that job. This functional filter is especially helpful for studios only photographing subjects who pre-pay.
  • General UI improvements and updates

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes 

Android - Version 2.5.0

Feature Enhancements

  • We’ve updated the Capture check-in process with a new toggle “Check in subjects by reference photo” that allows studios to choose how reference photos affect a subject’s check-in status. 
    - The toggle will default to “on” meaning the check-in process works as it always has: subjects with a reference photo are considered checked in.  
    - Now, users can toggle “off” this behavior so that a subject with a reference photo is not automatically checked in. 
    - When the toggle is off, subjects will only be considered checked in if they have a check-in date (which is automatically added when checked in through Capture).

For studios who have imported reference photos for subjects before picture day, this new option will provide clarity, save time, and make determining who still needs a reference photo a breeze. Learn more about this workflow.

Bug Fixes

iOS - Version 2.5.1

Feature Enhancements

  • We’ve updated the Capture check-in process with a new toggle “Check in subjects by reference photo” that allows studios to choose how reference photos affect a subject’s check-in status. 
    - The toggle will default to “on” meaning the check-in process works as it always has: subjects with a reference photo are considered checked in.  
    - Now, users can toggle “off” this behavior so that a subject with a reference photo is not automatically checked in. 
    - When the toggle is off, subjects will only be considered checked in if they have a check-in date (which is automatically added when checked in through Capture).

For studios who have imported reference photos for subjects before picture day, this new option will provide clarity, save time, and make determining who still needs a reference photo a breeze. Learn more about this workflow.

Bug Fixes

Version 2.4.4

Feature Enhancements

  • Added the ability to select and copy text in the subject fields.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the subject field was losing keyboard focus during sync.
  • Fixed a regression of syncing not happening periodically.

Version 2.4.2

Feature Enhancements

  • Added the ability to select and copy text in the subject fields.

Bug Fixes

iOS - Version 2.4.3

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

iOS - Version 2.4.1

Feature Enhancements

  • Added the ability to move reference photos.
  • Added a “sort by first name” option to the subject list.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the sync UI was finishing too early.
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to filter by the same category multiple times.

Android - Version 2.4.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added the ability to move reference photos.
  • Added a “sort by first name” option to the subject list.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue making the right navigation buttons hard to press.
  • Fixed an issue where Mark Absent wasn't displaying correctly.

iOS - 2.3.4

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a memory leak issue happening on the subject info screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the subject table view index (A-Z) was not being vertically centered in some cases.
  • Fixed a name formatting issue in Intercom.

Android - 2.3.3

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a memory leak issue happening on the subject info screen.
  • Fixed an issue of section headers disappearing when a subject moved to check-in.
  • Fixed an issue where job items were appearing greyed out and synced at 0% on launch.

iOS - 2.3.3

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the filter button was not enabled when filter values matched the previous filter values.
  • Fixed an issue causing a crash on job refresh if there were duplicate jobs in the database.

Android - Version 2.3.2

Feature Enhancements

  • When adding a new subject, clicking “add” will automatically take you to the camera to capture their reference photo. Previously, this would take you back to the subject list.
  • Subjects are not fetched before each sync
  • Deleted subjects are now merged to the closest match.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where saving a photo to an album caused the app to crash. 
  • Fixed an issue with the camera, preview, and subject info screens when an added student gets uploaded.
  • Fixed an issue where subjects with lowercase names were being added to the bottom of the subject list.
  • Removed the check-in button from showing on student info.
  • General bug fixes.

iOS - Version 2.3.2

Feature Enhancements

  • When adding a new subject, clicking “add” will automatically take you to the camera to capture their reference photo. Previously, this would take you back to the subject list.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Android - Version 2.3.0

Feature Enhancements

  • When checking in subjects, users can now choose to skip entering a Student ID.
  • When a filter is applied, then a user adds a new subject, the filter data will automatically be added to that new subject.
  • When using filters, number counts will be adjusted for total subjects and subjects that have not been checked in yet.

Bug Fixes

iOS - Version 2.3.0

Feature Enhancements

  • When checking in subjects, users can now choose to skip entering a Student ID.
  • When a filter is applied, then a user adds a new subject, the filter data will automatically be added to that new subject.
  • When using filters, number counts will be adjusted for total subjects and subjects that have not been checked in yet.

Bug Fixes

iOS - Version 2.2.2

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed filtering to sort by date only instead of date and time; hid date in the time field
  • Fixed an issue where logging out of one account, then logging in with a different account prevented jobs from syncing
  • Fixed sort, filter, and chat options from appearing in settings
  • Fixed an issue where the app would crash when adding a subject and removed the check-in date field
  • Fixed an issue where marking multiple subjects as absent was not working
  • Fixed an issue with the “clear all” button

iOS - Version 2.2.1

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed text being offset on the filter screen on iPad.
  • Fixed “mark absent” buttons not working correctly for unsynced jobs.
  • Fixed possible duplicate subject bug in subject list.
  • Fixed date formatter possibly being used outside the main thread.
  • Fixed app pausing on image errors.
  • Fixed table index crash.
  • Other general bug fixes.

iOS - Version 2.1.3

Feature Enhancements

  • Made popups tap to exit.
  • Added colored draining progress bar to indicate popup is disappearing soon.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash when uploading subject (with individual api) then tapping on that subject.

Android - Version 2.2.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added a filtering function to display published or synced jobs.
  • Added a sort function that allows sorting jobs chronologically and alphabetically.
  • Added a search function that can perform “fuzzy” searches for specific jobs.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

iOS - Version 2.2.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added a filtering function to display published or synced jobs.
  • Added a sort function that allows sorting jobs chronologically and alphabetically.
  • Added a search function that can perform “fuzzy” searches for specific jobs.

Bug Fixes

  • General bug fixes.

Android - Version 1.1.5

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue that was preventing some Android users from receiving notifications.
  • General bug fixes.

Android - Version 1.1.0

Feature Enhancements

  • The Orders list now displays the job name from which the order came instead of the actual order number. The order number can still be viewed when clicked. 
  • Added Customer Success support bubble.

Bug Fixes

iOS - Version 1.4.0

Feature Enhancements

  • The Orders list now displays the job name from which the order came instead of the actual order number. The order number can still be viewed when clicked. 
  • Added Customer Success support bubble.

Bug Fixes

Version 1.0.6

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where notifications were not displaying for Android 13 users.

iOS - Version 1.3.0

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Removed auto-capitalization and auto-correct functions from the email log-in field.

Version 1.2.6

Feature Enhancements

  • Retouching info is now included on the order detail screen.

Bug Fixes

  • Studio info now automatically refreshes when visiting the home screen.

Version 1.0.4

Feature Enhancements

  • Retouching info is now included on the order detail screen.
  • Push notification settings now have normal importance rather than “alarm” importance.

Bug Fixes

  • Studio info now automatically refreshes when visiting the home screen.
  • General bug fixes.

Android - Version 1.0.1

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where PD100s could not be shared without a crop.

iOS - Version 1.1.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added “Cha-Ching” push notification sound effect

Bug Fixes

iOS - Version 1.2.0

Feature Enhancements

  • Added Dashboard App Apple Watch support

Bug Fixes

iOS - Version 1.2.1

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed #PD100 not showing preview photo

iOS - Version 1.2.2

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed wrong image appearing for orders
  • Fixed formatting issue for sales values

iOS - Version 1.2.4

Feature Enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed tab bar being invisible on iOS 15
  • Fixed 1 pixel line that the black gradient didn’t cover in some cases on the bottom of the sharing image