Portrait Mode with Jake Carr

Aired on
Coming Soon
October 1, 2024

When was the last time you stepped out from behind the camera to have your own portrait taken? “Portrait Mode” has nothing to do with taking pictures and everything to do with you. Join Jake Carr, volume photographer and PhotoDay user, for a new 4-part motivational series about how having your own portrait captured and displayed can unlock your true potential. Each webinar will focus on the helpful habits and tangible actions you can take to maximize your business and personal success.

Other webinars

Coming Soon
Aired on
April 1, 2025

PhotoDay Webinars

Keep an eye on this spot for our next upcoming webinars in 2025!
Coming Soon
Aired on
March 11, 2025

Building Connections in the Preschool Market with Aimee Juarez

Ready to grow in the preschool niche and stand out from your competition? In our next webinar, Aimee Juarez (ColorPop Portraits) and Stevie Williams (PhotoDay) will explore the importance of personal connection and how to foster it with School Administrators, Parents, and Children alike.