Capture This! A Comprehensive Course on Private Galleries and Capture – Part II

Aired on
Coming Soon
October 11, 2022

The Capture-focused follow up to our Private Galleries webinar! Here, Brian Derenski will cover everything you need to prepare for your next school picture day. Learn how to get set up with PhotoDay Capture, sync your private galleries, and take reference photos that magically sort your galleries for you!

Other webinars

Coming Soon
Aired on
September 10, 2024

Boost Sales with AdvancePay

Time is precious, but so are sales. If you want to exceed last year’s sales records without just “working harder,” PhotoDay has the solutions! Thousands of photographers have significantly increased their sales with the help of our streamlined workflows, automated marketing tools, and popular AdvancePay feature. In this webinar, Stevie Williams (Customer Success Manager) will share real studio sales data and teach you how to use AdvancePay as a highly effective pre-sell tool. Join us if you’re ready to work less while making more!
Coming Soon
Aired on
August 27, 2024

Finding Your PhotoDay Fit: A Roundtable Webinar

Join us for an engaging discussion between two studios who are new to PhotoDay, hosted by Roger Pack (PhotoDay’s Resource & Development Manager). You’ll hear about why they switched to PhotoDay, how their onboarding process went, and compare their experiences in different markets. Whether you’re new to online selling, thinking about trying our platform, or are already an experienced PhotoDay user—you won’t want to miss this fun discussion!