Ready. Set. Upload!

Written by
June 26, 2019

Lots of PhotoDay users tell us that uploading photos is their favorite step because it means the job is DONE and sales can start rolling in! So we wanted to make the upload process smoother, faster, and more reliable than ever. We listened to our users' feedback and came up with a shiny new upload feature that's gonna blow you away!

What's up with uploads?

We're pretty pumped about this new feature. Here's why:

  • Sequential uploading - Each photo gets uploaded one after the other. This greatly improves stability and allows us to show the upload's status.
  • Save as you go - Every photo gets saved as it uploads. If you lose internet connection, no problem! We'll save all your photos up to that point. For any photos that didn't make it, we'll flag them so you can try uploading them again by clicking the retry button.
  • No more zip files - Simply drag and drop your folders and photos just as they are. Save a step - no need to zip 'em up.
  • Sweet tagging - Folder names and Lightroom keywords automatically become your customer-facing tags. So easy!!!
  • Background uploads - Photos upload in the background so you can multi-task to your heart's content and work on other things in your Studio Panel.
  • Duplicate photos - Sometimes you upload two photos with the same name. No worries, it happens! Now, you can easily replace or skip any duplicates.
  • Status check - Monitor the status of your upload.

6 upload facts

If you're getting ready to upload, here are six things you need to know:

  1. You can drag and drop a combination of folders or individual photos.
  3. Photos should be in a JPG file format and no greater than 15MB per photo.
  5. If a photo is in one folder or multiple folders, the folder name(s) will automatically become that photo's tag(s). Curious about tags?
  7. If a photo has Lightroom keywords, the keywords will also become that photo's tags.
  9. There is a 31-character limit on file names.
  11. If you attempt to upload a file with special characters like```< > : " \ / ? | * ~``` we will strip them out and still accept the file.

Well, there you have it - PhotoDay's new upload functionality was designed to give studios a smooth, reliable, and efficient uploading experience. We can't wait to hear what you think. Share your thoughts in the PhotoDay Facebook Users Group. Happy uploading!

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