We are super excited to announce our new Dashboard App (iOS & Android)! You’ve given us your trust and faith in the system, and we wanted to give back.
We want you to be free. Not just from tethers, paper order forms, and data entry, but also from feeling tied to your desk. We know that once you hit publish on a job, you’re constantly refreshing your mobile browser watching those sales stream into your PhotoDay account. With our new Dashboard app, you can step away from your computer and let us tell you when you’ve made a new sale...
On your phone:

And on your Apple Watch:

Now you can feel free to go about your day knowing every sale can be a push notification on your phone. No more refreshing the studio panel a million times searching for the latest sales. Instead, you can step away when you’re on the go while staying constantly connected to your studio.We didn’t stop there! We also made it beyond easy to share your #PD100 sales (or any others you’re excited about) directly to the PhotoDay Facebook Users Group! We love cheering each other on and sharing our successes. Multiple poses and looks are a major contributor to large order values, so this is the perfect way to share among the PhotoDay community and get inspired!