Backgrounds is a new feature that allows studios to add their own design for extracted images. A background is defined as a graphic that the studio creates and uploads into PhotoDay. This graphic, when selected by the customer, will be printed on the product by the lab. The studio should not create a graphic that incorporates any intellectual property where the studio does not have the right to utilize the intellectual property included in the design theme. PhotoDay also recommends that the studio contact the lab to ensure that the background graphic is properly reproduced (color accuracy).
PhotoDay's Terms & Conditions, which you have agreed to previously, govern the use of backgrounds- as a reminder, PhotoDay is not responsible for any issues with the print quality of backgrounds. As set forth in the Terms & Conditions, you agree, represent, and warrant that you have obtained the necessary permissions associated with the upload of any content to PhotoDay, which includes any backgrounds that you choose to upload. Backgrounds cannot contain photographs of people, foul language, obscene gestures, nudity, or any other offensive or pornographic images.
If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at
Although PhotoDay will in most circumstances be able to receive your communications, PhotoDay does not guarantee that it will receive such communications timely and accurately and shall not be legally obligated to read, act on, or respond to any such email or other information. Be aware that your email communications to PhotoDay may not be secure and will not be treated as confidential.